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Those damn libs and their limp-wristed, fairy facts!

Like this one, too —

“Elsewhere during Wednesday’s floor proceedings, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) said that since Donald Trump left office, ‘crime is definitely down in the White House.’”



She works hard for the money
So hard for it honey
She works hard for her money
So you better get the ‘heritance right



Please, people. Artists, athletes, et al are typically not known for their intellectual prowess vis a vis world history, politics, philosophy, science, etc. We can enjoy the art and the touchdowns, home runs, goooooooooaaaallls blah blah without needing anything else from them.

Jocks will jock. Performers will perform. Thinkers will think.

@Ironworker229 @InUnfunky

It wouldn't matter. She showed everyone the truth and they just plugged their ears and kept the charade going. The legislators make too much money on the outrage to start being honest now.

@InUnfunky Unfortunately, she's only one of...what...hundreds, just in TX that actually did the work and was willing to admit what she found?

1960 Taxes took 25% of earnings in US

Assassination Attempt
1972 Assassination attempt on US Governor George Wallace of Alabama by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, Maryland

1988 The Soviet Union begins withdrawing its 115,000 troops from Afghanistan

Event of Interest
1991 Defense releases docs claiming Noriega is "CIA's man in Panama"


My condolences.

Is it better, worse, or equal to a potential "Saturday grocery store" hearing?


@Charles_Hawtrey pick a religion and you'll find more varieties of that religion than ways to cook with beans. Add the intersection of fundamentalism and Right wing politics and the religion becomes cover for the politics & policies.


Do bidets only have a cold water option? Can't you just run a hot line/mix valve to it? 🤔

Water in SE VT is ICE COLD, so cold that it's wise to run a hot line with a mix valve to toilet tanks...otherwise the tank WILL sweat when it gets hot/humid and drip all over the floor. One plumber told me it was routine to change toilets out in old buildings and have the floor underneath be completely rotted through...

Jewish staffer resigns from Biden administration over Gaza

“My Jewish identity is the most important part of who I am, and it is all of the values that I was raised with … and all of my Jewish education, 20 years of it, that led me to this decision, and it’s how I know this is right,” Greenberg Call said. “What Israel is doing to people in Gaza and to Palestinians across the land is incredibly un-Jewish to me and such a disgrace to our ancestors.”

Extremists Links: A member of the neo-Nazi accelerationist group Atomwaffen Division, accused of planning to attack energy grids in Baltimore, pleaded guilty to a conspiracy to 'completely destroy' cities in Maryland.


"Looahvul" you could throw a rock and hit a good restaurant; almost too many to pick just one. Avoid the chains and stay local, obvs. I remember being most impressed with Queen of Sheba, the Ethiopian place.

Cinci? You must, at least once eat here...and then tell me how it was. LOL But I make a copycat all the time. 😆

As for Indy, I've never been. 🤷‍♂️

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Trey, Unfunky in 5/4

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