
Haven’t seen this one; I wonder what Doug of the Daily will have to say…

Will watch it later. 👍🤓



Listened to about 2/3 in the car on the way home from work; just finished it up now.

"It's not music to relax to...it's music that makes you be an active participant."

Yes, this is an accurate assessment. 😆

Ol' Doug sez "y'all" in this reaction vid more than I do HERE; IRL I never say that shit unless being ironic. Like here. 😉

Thx for making me watch it, Exxie. Woulda never on my own accord, loz. ❤️


You're welcome. I enjoyed it so I figured you would, too. 😊❤️😎


I try not to give the “reaction vid” peeps too much attention but 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s always fun — however — to see/hear someone experience a Zappa tune or work and see their eyes light up. 🤓

Like this silliness —

@InUnfunky @JoyfullyDazed
How we got there is the story. We lived in Toledo at the time and me and a buddy were heading to Columbus to buy some mushrooms for our roommate. We get to Columbus, with his money and ATM card, get the shrooms and the guy says "Are you going to see Zappa tonight?" We had no idea. So we took out the $20 for tickets, ate half the shrooms and went and saw Zappa! It was a really good time. Needless to say, our roommate did not have the same feelings about the evening!!!🤣

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