CNN will host a 2024 Presidential Debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, GA. The debate will air live on 6/27 at 9pET

Could prove 1st that he IS ABLE to stay awake for a full day of court.


He's closing his eyes as an act of defiance. He's giving the entire courtroom, (and legal system), the middle finger.

@InUnfunky @Bix

The world is watching this bullshit. We're a laughing stock.


@JoyfullyDazed @Bix

I think Bix's theory best describes what we're seeing -- MAGA and autocrats worldwide have no shame in their pursuit of strongman rule. Only those of us still adhering to a democratic republic structure with inherent ethics, values, fair play (like when you lose an election YOU HAVE LOST) can feel shame...even if we are NOT the guilty party. Cuz the whole thing makes us, yes, a laughing stock.

MAGAites OTOH have no such compunction in pursuit of dictatorship.

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