@Bix @Bobk37 @InUnfunky @CanisPundit @CinnamonGirlE @evamarie @UmbaSaffire

I love this. Thanks Bix. Being born and bred in NE means you never get NE out of your bones. No place else feels like home.

@JoyfullyDazed @Bobk37 @InUnfunky @CanisPundit @CinnamonGirlE @evamarie @UmbaSaffire

Once, I had to work here for a court case. It was dark and lonely in that part of Boston:

Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Lonely Financial Zone , 1976

@Bix @Bobk37 @InUnfunky @CanisPundit @CinnamonGirlE @evamarie @UmbaSaffire

I have lived and worked in Boston and absolutely loved it. City life was fun when I was younger, but I ended up going back home to seas of trees and peace and quiet.

Boston's only a 45 minute train ride, so I go into the city a lot during the warmer weather. That's where I go book shopping...lol.

@Bix @Bobk37 @InUnfunky @CanisPundit @CinnamonGirlE @evamarie @UmbaSaffire

I recommend it, it's beautiful up there. Just a side note, Maine folk take a long time to warm up to outsiders. They're welcoming, but a bit slow to thaw...lol.

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