Real maple syrup comes from trees.

Trees are basically woody vegetables.

Maple syrup = vegetable = health food.

I will not be taking any questions.



Can agree.

From someone who has apparently lived in SE VT "for too long."

And yes, the maple syrup alone is worth it.

For the most part.



I finally found a good brand. Forgot about it, *in the fridge*, for 4 years and it didn't turn to sugar.

@Agatha @InUnfunky

Whenever I go to VT, I grab a bottle or two. The husband's marine brother brings some down also. If I remember, I can grab and ship you one next time I go?

@ExecutiveFunction404 @Agatha

Agatha might have a retail hookup of her own, deep in the heart of Tejas… πŸ‘

@InUnfunky @Agatha

Not all maple syrup is created the same, imo. I'd trust a bottle bought in VT over a bottle purchased from Texas any day. Does that make me a maple syrup snob? πŸ˜‚

It's kinda like NY style pizza in florida. I've tried it. It's a nope.

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