You see interviews with drummers, etc., saying "I never knew the words, I don't know what so and so was doing....," then you see videos of The Who back in the live heyday and Moon is singing along! It starts to dawn how they were able to pull off the insane level of group improvisation...
Take heed, young 'uns....



Guitarist with drummer envy here...

Don't believe the "drummers are monosyllabic Neanderthals just beating on shit" hype.

If anything, the OPPOSITE problem exists -- said timekeepers think they're TOO smart. 😮 😂

@InUnfunky have worked with drummers ranging from telepathically locked to having to use the neck of my bass as a baton. A little humility holding the sticks helps! (Said the guy with a timpani gig tonight)

@t_heislen @InUnfunky I find drummers tend to exemplify the Dunning-Kreuger curve. The ones who brag the most are the worst, while the ones who are like "well, I'll guess I'll give it a shot" then proceed to blow your mind.

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