In twenty years, will most new private vehicles be:


We just went through this decision process, in a state that's committed to going all-electric ASAP and an area so full of Teslas you can hardly throw a rock without hitting one (not that I would ever suggest such a thing). We ended up with a hybrid, dammit. Range and charging stations still aren't up to it, plug-in hybrids have reliability problems, so -- yet another damn hybrid.

@ImagineThat Urban areas would seem ideal for EVs, but the infrastructure would need significant improvement. Typically, in a parking garage there might be one or two chargers, and they're generally slow. Toyota is probably smart by sticking with hybrids.

@Coctaanatis @ImagineThat

I had a Prius for a minute. I loved the mileage and how it rode, but damn......those seats were shit. The first time I took a road trip I got shin splints and my grandson, who was 9 at the time, said he hated the seats because they were so uncomfortable.

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