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Thanks to the Washington Post, we can spend Sunday morning enjoying Trump discuss his erotic fantasies about Arnold Palmer.🤪
I guess this should be hashtagged ?

Watching Kamala Harris work her backside off daily, I am so thankful Joe Biden passed the baton. The energy required for fighting fascism is crazy, but Kamala brings it. She is doing the work! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

I am suffering from nostalgia. I used to follow Connie Schultz on Twitter. I loved her posts and her writing. I am missing her. I am also sad to hear Sherrod Brown’s race for Senate is so tight!

Today we watched Trump on stage celebrating what sure as heck appears to be dementia. He didn't want to answer questions, he just wanted to be admired. I have to assume this guy had too many xanax or similar???

From George Takei at The Big Picture:

Weaponized Polling More Dangerous Than Ever
Right-leaning outfits skewing polls for Trump for quite sinister reasons.

"Election analyst Simon Rosenberg noted the last 15 general election polls released for PA, a state key to any electoral victory, 12 have right-wing or GOP affiliations. “Their campaign to game polling averages make it appear like Trump is winning—when he isn't—escalated in [the] last few days.”

Rachel says the economy is fab - probably one of the best economic situations in our lifetime. I say those who claim they are voting for GOP candidates because of the economy are fooling themselves. Clearly, they are voting MAGA because of rascism, homophobia and misogyny.

Good morning, fellow CoSoNauts. Yesterday afternoon I saw this bug in my petunias. If any of you happen to know what it is I would love to know. Thank goodness it doesn’t appear to be a spotted lanternfly.

Donald Trump says Colorado is a war zone due to the immigrants there. I live in a state next door. I say Colorado is heaven! 🏔️

Upon opening the cover of Hope for Cynics, Jamil Zaki’s new book, the reader finds a quotation: “Hope is not a lottery ticket you can sit on the sofa and clutch,feeling lucky.… [It] is an ax you break down doors with in an emergency.”
Rebecca Solnit

Thank you people! I may or may not be crazy, but Mr. Mom was a thing!

Does anyone remember the movie “Mr. Mom?” I am obviously older than I realized, but I thought Mr. Mom was a classic!

Good news - if I am looking at the correct factory (?) they don’t appear to make medical products.

Does anyone know what the “plastics” factory in Tennessee manufactures? I heard an ugly thing about possible IV bag shortages, so I am hoping this factory makes soft drink containers or something equally unimportant…

Thinking about taking a walk. You people would likely prefer not to see a photo of me walking…

@th3j35t3r It is really nice! I’m thinking they are also hoping for a similar offer from you when/if they need help. Talent/NinjaSkill is valuable, as you likely know! 🤣

I feel sorry for Jack Smith. I suspect he has worked his backside off on the Trump crimes. He is one of the good guys but the Maga a**holes have effectively blocked him repeatedly. Thank goodness for today’s opportunity!

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