So now I know why Russians drink a lot of vodka and are alcoholics as a national characteristic. They are drowning their deep inner outrage at being required to live a lie and pretend it's the truth. I expect alcohol consumption to go way up in the next four years.

@elbutterfield The tariffs. Good thing we make our own here in NE Wisconsin huh? 😉

@SaltyVeruca I had to look it up. Vodka, gin, rum, bourbon, and absinthe. I think I might move there!

@SaltyVeruca I've never had absinthe. It would be fun to try it.

@elbutterfield Absinthe here is different than in Europe if I understand it. I had it once in a corpse reviver. Or a few. I don't remember. 😉

@SaltyVeruca I want to sit in the French Quarter and drink absinthe the way Toulouse-Lautrec drank it; dripped down over shaved ice. The Green Fairy.

@elbutterfield A table next to us got that. Like I said, I don't think it's the same here so it's not as ”dangerous". It looked cool. My husband doesn't drink so me ordering that alone would've been over the top.


@SaltyVeruca @elbutterfield
I think you are right - that stuff they drank back in the day in the French quarter was a different beast!

@HopeSeeker @elbutterfield It's the lack of oil of wormwood. If distilled incorrectly, it will kill you. The real stuff is illegal in most countries now.

@elbutterfield @HopeSeeker Apparently one drop will do it. Also it's not possible to hallucinate on it really I guess. You'd get sick, pass out, or die first.

Eeek! from another time I guess. A time of cocaine in cough syrup.


...or is it cocaine in Coke and opium in cough syrup? I forget.


@elbutterfield @HopeSeeker the latter I believe. But as recently as my ex brother in law, kids were given perigoric (spelling) and that had all kinds of illegal drugs in it. So late sixties.

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