
Biden has extra power right now thanks to the Supreme Court. Can he not use it to do something to protect us from what is coming or at least slow their roll? If so are there legitimate reasons he should not do that?

@HopeSeeker I'm pretty sure they are working on strengthening whatever they can (if there is anything) before the transition. Obama did.

@HopeSeeker he just promised a peaceful transition of power. I wish he had said that a convicted felon cannot be seated in the white house. If that is the law, why hasn't it been stated before this?

@JanetZumba_FalPals @HopeSeeker

You'd think it would be, but AFAIK there's nothing specifically prohibiting a convicted felon from the presidency.

Our "founding fathers" probably thought that the point was self evident and didn't need to be said, never dreaming we'd come to this.

@HopeSeeker Since the Supreme Court is loyal to the Republicans and Trump, if Biden does things they'll rule against them.

glib response: only his morality
considered response: his morality and our respect for him

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