HiPOD 7 Sept 23: Gully Stratigraphy with Glacial Deposits
This public target request via HiWish requested we acquire this image in order to obtain slope measurements and shapes of the gullies on this crater’s wall at the meter scale. Another good way to request for an image from HiRISE is the fact that we have no stereo coverage of this area. This can make for a compelling target.
#Mars #science #NASA
Mars Has Far Fewer Minerals Than Earth Does (Note: this is an Apple News link and may not be available for all readers.)
HiRISE 4K: Layers in Hydraotes Chaos
The objective of this observation is to examine layers in Hydraotes Chaos. This scene is also visible in Context Camera data.
Image cutout is less than 5 km (3 mi) across and the spacecraft altitude was 275 km (171 mi). For full observation details including images with scale bars, visit the source link.
HiRISE 3D: Oudemans Crater Central Uplift
HiRISE coverage gives us an excellent chance to layering in detail compared to Mars Orbiter Camera images.
#Mars #science #astronomy #3D
HiClip mini 4K: The Things that Blow Away
This part of the observation gives us a view of linear dunes in northwest Argyre Planitia. (This is a non-narrated clip with ambient sound.)
HiPOD 6 Sept 23: In Them Thar Hills
Context Camera data shows a dense network of ridges and alcoves at this location. Our main science goal is to figure out what exactly is moving sediment down hillslopes in landscapes like this, but only if high resolution topography is available, which HiRISE can provide. (The technical rationale was to study hillslope-channel coupling in a high drainage density region.)
#Mars #science #space #astronomy
HiRISE 3D: Tilted Mesas near Athabasca Valles
Tilted mesas, probably due to invasive lava, but in this case showing minimal separation and a fairly close jigsaw fit.
#Mars #science #geology #astronomy #3D
HiPOD 5 Sept 23: Impact-Related Deposits and Flows near Jijiga Crater
The rationale for acquiring this image is to observe how surface flow patterns in the area vary with distance from the proposed parent crater. This is one of several flow feature observations being suggested in the vicinity of the well-preserved Jijiga Crater to the southwest. The crater is named after the town in Ethiopia.
#Mars #science #NASA
HiRISE 3D: A Recent Crater
Well, “recent” in the geological sense, but we can still see the ejecta pattern clearly in this 3D image.
#Mars #science
HiPOD 4 Sept 23: Resistant Material in Olympus Mons Aureole Ridges
The question of how the Olympus Mons aureole formed has wide-ranging implications for Mars paleoclimate, including whether a northern ocean existed. The presence or absence of bedded lava within aureole blocks can help test the merits of a competing hypotheses for the aureole’s formation. These blocks are particularly well exposed and appear to contain layered beds of resistant material.
HiRISE 3D: Once a Landing Site
This was one of the many images HiRISE acquired for the Mars 2020 mission to assess a landing ellipse and to look for potential hazards.
#Mars #science
HiPOD: Impact by Impact
Situated next to a much larger and older crater, this candidate impact site formed at most between August 2016 and April 2020. From Context Camera data, there is a large dark blast zone in a follow-up image that was not present in an earlier one. Other images might have been acquired that narrow this range but were unavailable to the CTX team at the time this target suggestion was created.
HiRISE 3D: Mounds on a Crater Floor
This Target is meant to document a sample of the cone and dome shaped landforms on this crater floor.
#Mars #science
HiPOD 31 Aug 23: Well-Preserved in Nereidum Montes
Also visible in Context Camera data, this observation gives us a high-resolution view of a sharp-rimmed, gullied crater with bedrock exposures and intricate ejecta flow patterns. Nereidum Montes is an over 1,100-kilometer length range of mountains northeast of Argyre Planitia.
#Mars #science #space #astronomy
NASA officials sound alarm over future of the Deep Space Network - https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/08/nasas-artemis-i-mission-nearly-broke-the-deep-space-network/
HiRISE Instrument News:
Since July 23, 2023, HiRISE observations have lacked data from the RED4 CCD due to a hardware issue, creating a gap in the middle of image products and reducing the color swath to 1 CCD width. We are investigating the hardware issue and may be able to acquire some RED4 data in the future.
HiRISE 3D: A Spooky Crater
There are lots of secondary craters in this area that are well preserved, yet the main crater is extremely shallow, probably due to relaxation in ice-rich ground .
HiPOD 30 Aug 23: A Layered Sequence in Terby Crater
The western face of this bench has one of the best exposures of layered deposits in Terby Crater. The sequence consists of 4 sub-units within the 2.5 km-thick sequence. This location has many angular unconformities that are not exposed in the same sequence further south. This image will help determine the nature of the deposit and the possible correlation of layers in the same bench to the south.
HiRISE 3D: Valleys in a Crater near Mawrth Vallis
There are valleys in this crater that terminate at the central pit. Were they formed through fluvial processes?
#Mars #science
HiRISE is a high resolution camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (NASA). We take images of the surface of Mars. Based out of UArizona in Tucson.