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HiPOD 31 Aug 23: Well-Preserved in Nereidum Montes

Also visible in Context Camera data, this observation gives us a high-resolution view of a sharp-rimmed, gullied crater with bedrock exposures and intricate ejecta flow patterns. Nereidum Montes is an over 1,100-kilometer length range of mountains northeast of Argyre Planitia.

The electronics unit for CCD RED4 started to fail in August 2023, and we have not been acquiring images in this central swath of the images. The processing pipelines will be updated to fill this gap with the IR10 image for some products. The 3-color coverage is now reduced in width.

HiRISE Instrument News:

Since July 23, 2023, HiRISE observations have lacked data from the RED4 CCD due to a hardware issue, creating a gap in the middle of image products and reducing the color swath to 1 CCD width. We are investigating the hardware issue and may be able to acquire some RED4 data in the future.

HiRISE 3D: A Spooky Crater

There are lots of secondary craters in this area that are well preserved, yet the main crater is extremely shallow, probably due to relaxation in ice-rich ground .

HiPOD 30 Aug 23: A Layered Sequence in Terby Crater

The western face of this bench has one of the best exposures of layered deposits in Terby Crater. The sequence consists of 4 sub-units within the 2.5 km-thick sequence. This location has many angular unconformities that are not exposed in the same sequence further south. This image will help determine the nature of the deposit and the possible correlation of layers in the same bench to the south.

HiRISE 3D: Valleys in a Crater near Mawrth Vallis

There are valleys in this crater that terminate at the central pit. Were they formed through fluvial processes?

HiPOD 29 Aug 23: Dipping Layers in Centauri Montes

The objective of this observation is to examine some sets of dipping layers along a mesa in Centauri Montes. Pictures like this will help us determine the horizontal extent of these features which are supposed to be the remains of an ice-rich unit that was widespread in the past.

HiRISE 3D: The South Wall of East Candor Chasma

An eventual digital terrain model from this stereo pair will support structural and geologic mapping in the area.

HiPOD: A Possible Clay-Rich Deposit

The nearby Nirgal Vallis locale exposes a clay unit in its valley walls. This observation aims to determine if this unit can be determined elsewhere in the region, such as in excavations in nearby craters. This crater likely has nice bedrock exposures, as visible in THEMIS and Context Camera data, and an overlapping CRISM image indicates a clay exposure.

HiRISE 3D: Crevasse-Like Features

This request was made to obtain a stereo pair for an eventual digital terrain model, and to see if any changes occurred since a previous image.

HiPOD 24 Aug 23: Boulders inside of Pits

The objective of this observation is to determine the nature of boulders sitting inside of pits along the edge of a mesa. Wind may have blown away the material around the boulders. This image will also include exposed layers in the mesa wall and gives us more examples of these features from a previous HiRISE image at a nearby location.

HiRISE 3D: Daedalia Planum Lava Flows

There is something very Tattooine-esque about this sinuous ridge...

HiPOD 23 Aug 23: HiPOD: A Scarp in Pavonis Mons

HiRISE images of other steep-sided edifices within the Pavonis Mons fan-shaped deposit are providing new insight into volcano-ice interactions that occurred as the deposit formed. Context Camera images reveal several shapes not commonly visible in the other images; more detail would be helpful in distinguishing between hypotheses for the development of this plateau.

HiRISE 3D: The Floor of Uzboi Vallis
This footprint crosses a 200-meter tall scarp and a 3D pic will be useful to study the deposits along the southern edge of the cliff.

HiPOD 22 Aug 23: Candidate Lake Deposits

In this observation, we want to take a look at candidate lake deposits fed by alluvial fans. High resolution will help us to check for layers, layer tilts, to test this lacustrine hypothesis. Tilts more than approximately 2 degrees suggest not lacustrine, but rather distal alluvial origins.

HiRISE 3D: A Fissure near Cerberus Fossae

Stereo imaging of this location will provide analysis of the surface slopes and the volume of material that was eroded along the edge of the fissure.

HiPOD 21 Aug 23: Possible Breccias in Nirgal Vallis

A Context Camera image showed light-toned blocks that may be consistent with the megabreccia basement, which is possibly exposed here as well in Valles Marineris. HiRISE had no previous coverage here, something that makes for a good HiWish target rationale. Nirgal Vallis is 610 km long and is named after Nergal, the Babylonian god of war and counterpart to the Roman god of war Mars.

HiPOD 18 Aug 23: Chaos in Chryse

Our science goal for this observation is to document stratigraphic relationships between chaos blocks and adjacent geologic units. With a stereo pair, we can create a digital terrain model to interpret superposition relationships in this scene. The general shape of “chaotic terrain” is steep-sided mesas in close proximity. In planetary nomenclature, the descriptor term “chaos” means “distinctive area of broken terrain.”

HiPOD 17 Aug 23: HiPOD: Diverse Minerals in Coprates Chasma

This image shows the southern wall of Coprates Chasma, in the equatorial canyon system of Valles Marineris.

In enhanced color, the varying colors—shades of white, cyan, and purple—are suggestive of multiple minerals being present within the bedrock, indicating a complicated geologic history, possibly involving alteration by water.


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