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HiRISE 3D: At the Root of It All

This fairly large gully looks like a plant and its roots. One of our objectives is to look for frost developing in the winter months.

HiPOD 2 May 2022: Potentially Layered Bedrock Deposits in Terra Sabaea

This observation targets a region with suspected layered bedrock materials. The texture of this target at Context Camera resolution is similar to other HiRISE observations where layered bedrock was found. Imaging of this bedrock material will allow study of variations in the thickness and style of layering across the region. Terra Sabaea is 4,700 km at its broadest extent.

HiPOD 30 Apr 2022: Windows to Ancient Mars

The Argyre impact basin contains some ancient eroded terrains, exposing rocks with diverse compositions, as shown by the color variability.

These are windows into ancient Mars, which was a wetter world than Mars today.

HiRISE 4K: Seasonal Fans in the Southern Hemisphere

Is it the skin of a leopard or seasonal fans on Mars? (Click link for more info and full cutout.)

HiRISE 3D: All the Pretty Gullies

Talk about striking a pose. These lovely gullies are in Lyell Crater.

HiPOD 26 Apr 2022: Sinuous Ridges and Possible Layers

A Context Camera image shows sinuous ridges and possible layers at this location, which is within an alluvial-fan-bearing crater. One possible interpretation is that erosion has formed inverted channels and incised them into distal alluvial fan or deltaic materials. A derived 3D image can help look for “double ridges” that might be bracketing inverted channels.

HiRISE 3D: Distal Extent of Inverted Delta Material

This target covers a distal outcrop of a layered bright sedimentary unit exposed in an inverted form. This will help estimate the duration and stratigraphy of fluvial processes.

HiPOD 25 April 2022: Esker Candidates in Mamers Valles

An esker is a long ridge of sediment deposited by meltwater from a retreating glacier or ice sheet. Although glaciers are common on Mars, in the prevailing very cold and dry climate they are thought to be almost exclusively cold-based systems, which do not experience subglacial melt.

HiPOD 22 Apr 2022: Layers to the West of Gale Crater

The objective of this observation is to examine thin layers in the Nepenthes Mensae region. Because this location is close to Gale Crater, these layers may one day be compared to those currently being studied by the Curiosity rover. Nepenthes Mensae is a plateau, whose name derives from Greek for a drug that quells all sorrows with forgetfulness and is mentioned in Homer’s “Odyssey.”

HiRISE 3D: Jezero Crater

Just a 3D image of the surface of another planet. Ho hum.

HiPOD 21 Apr 2022: Slow Changes at an Old Impact Crater

New impact craters on Mars are often darker than their surroundings and have lots of boulders in their interior. The crater in this image has all those attributes and looks like it may have occurred very recently; however, it’s been seen in images dating back 50 years to the Mariner 9 mission.


HiRISE 4K: The Western Edge of a Layered Mound in Juventae Chasma

This observation covers the western edge of a layered mound in Juventae Chasma. The CRISM instrument on MRO has detected high sulfates at the base of this mound, and the resolution power of HiRISE gives us a better look at the area’s morphology. (See link for full cutout.)


HiRISE 3D: Monitoring Gullies in Gasa Crater

Part of a series to get one more image with frost, and then when defrosting sets in to see the changes, if any.


HiPOD 20 Apr 2022: Recent Gullies in Equatorial Valles Marineris

In this scene, the gullies have very sharp channels and different colors where the gullies have eroded and deposited material. Over time, the topography becomes smoothed over and the color variations disappear, unless there is recent activity.



HiPOD 19 Apr 2022: Layered Sediments in Valles Marineris

Sediments rich in hydrated sulfates may have filled central Valles Marineris, but debates persist as to how these deposits grew or formed.



HiPOD 18 Apr 2022: A Fresh Impact Crater with an Odd Shape

This odd-shaped hole in Noachis Terra is clearly in impact crater. It has the characteristic raised rim that distinguishes it from pits that have simply collapsed. In contrast to most impact craters though, it isn't round.



HiPOD 16 Apr 2022: Which Came First, the Yardang or the Platy Flow?

It's one of the great questions of science, people.



HiPOD 15 Apr 2022: Dusty Changes with InSight

This image, from 9 March 2022, shows the InSight lander with a visible coating of reddish Martian dust that has accumulated since the landing (November 2018) and especially during the January 2022 storm. The dark blast zone created during the landing has also been substantially covered up and looks close to its pre-landing condition.



HiRISE 10K: Channels in Phlegra Montes

Also visible in a Context Camera image, pictures like this can help us understand the fluvial and climate history of ancient Mars. (See link for full cutout and additional information.)


HiRISE 3D: An Interesting Shape

But it’s the light-toned layered deposits that are the objective of this observation. Were fluvial processes once at work here?

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