I'm almost done knitting my 1st Fair Isle Yule stocking! Just finishing up the toe with a kitchner graft, and then blocking to do. I'm considering lining it with red felt, just to keep the running strands from getting snagged.
...but I'd have to sew it. I do knitting and needlepoint in order to *avoid* sewing. I'm cool with hand sewing, but the lining would work best on my sewing machine, with a few hand stitches to anchor it. [am I weirdly afraid of electric sewing machines? yes. yes I am.]
You can do this! A lining could also help your stocking hold it's shape. Good luck.
@LinaPinguina thank you. 💕 It's the speed of the treadle that freaks me out. I've actually considered buying an old foot-powered Singer.
Hmm. If I do overcome my fear of the electric machine, I could add a nice embroidered over-cuff. 🤔