
It's late, so now I'm trolling FB...

(This is the 4th post I've seen about this amazing woman where a good number of men "laughed" at her accomplishment. And many commented without ever reading the article(s) that outline her credentials. As a woman in a man's world (tech/cybersecurity). it. gets. so. tiring. that you reach these points where you want to fucking RAGE until you realize that the first thing a man will ask is if it's that "time of the month" <sigh>)

I went through this $ today for 4hrs in a project launch meeting with a team of Engineers. The 2 youngest men in the team were uncomfortable and embarassed at the patronizing mansplaining.

I've dealt with this stupidity My entire life. For the first few meetings they act like this until they see my work and eventually get humbled by my knowledge and work ethic and then leave me alone.

It happens every damn time. It's tiring, but the younger generation give me hope.

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