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PSA - I've opened a #COSOCall for any former or current mil including coalition forces that served in #Afghanistan who's feeling shitty or angry or whatever about what's going down, and wants to connect with others - especially if you're on your own...
My husband has spent half of the last decade+ in Afghanistan and then was in Iraq before that. He always thought we should get out of Afghanistan, but not like this.
He feels like the last 15 years of his life were all for nothing.
He said he's been on the verge of tears all day today at work, but coming home to me and the puppers helped.
I can't imagine how it would be if he had no one.
Thank you for this.
My ex-hubby spent a year there. Gee, a lot of good did that anti-drug operation do, when Taliban is already endorsing the good ol' opium crops.
Thanks for nothing on the years of shitty "I don't have ptsd" behaviour from him.
I'm angry and frustrated, and I was only dealing with one soldier back home.
I cannot imagine what your husband is feeling.
@H3athers Please convey my sincere admiration and gratitude to your husband.