It was raining this morning and no leak. It seems flash taping the whole kitchen roof kinda did the trick lol. Real test this coming week however when it will be raining quite a lot ( #London )
@Guillaume Did you flash tap a roof connected to a 2nd story? If so… under the siding?
@L_u_cy mostly a lot of dodgy tiles where it seems the water was slowly getting in. It's a 'low angle' roof so it seems that after 20-30 years the tiles expire and let slowly the water getting in. It's very temporary as soon this whole roof will become a flat roof (got planning permissions for house changes a week ago! ) but at least in the meantime the kitchen won't have these annoying drips I hope...
@Guillaume Oh, I see.. replacing a roof is expensive… I have a newer roof but water gets in under 1window… I’ll call a roofer to caulk it… I’m not going up on a ladder… thx and good luck… hello from Texas 👵🥳
@Guillaume I know what you are saying… 😉