I don't even *know* what I want to deploy at the end of this. Apparently I just like making my life difficult.
Multicloud isn't inherently hard, I'll point out, it's the cost-related issues of deploying a multicloud setup. I'd probably be delegated to AWS, GCP, and *maaaaybe* Linode (I don't think Oracle or Azure have a free tier but I haven't checked in a hot minute)
@KAutumnrain good stack 👌 any orchestration and containers system to dev, QA things out ?
I'm trying to think of whether or not I should use k8s or a docker swarm, for sure. I think either/or would be a good reinforcement and learning experience.
@KAutumnrain k8s is my choice usually (cause I know it lol). My main devops challenge in all if this usually is how to convert old school projects and their tech teams to it (they have their habits and its a learning curve for them.). Maybe the key is to let them be until they are ready to go into full refactoring mode !
@KAutumnrain oh yeah I understand. Here the business decisions makes us the same (not using the whole devsecops concepts hehe). Too bad but eventually you will get this one client who will want it all ! 👍