@KillrBunn3 use of sqlmap helped me greatly with sql injections. However thanks to cloudflare (waf) and of course PDO (prepared statements) it's a lot harder to do these nowodays !
@KillrBunn3 oh I've never been attacking Oracle nor run Orcale on products. But I get your point. There are indeed small differences which makes exploitation to some extent different. I like Burp a lot ! I will look at cyberchef. Most researchers attacking my products (on bounty programs) use Burp !
@KillrBunn3 Yeah. Just tested it, removes the middle man of having to code yourself the encoding/decoding/other stuff, which is good to focus faster on breaching into things ! Here my main worry usually here is usually people succeeding in remote execution, but SQL injections are also on top of the list. So yep I think you are on the right track hehe.
@Guillaume Sounds like I'm going the right direction ;) and cyberchef mostly just helps with getting things decoded or encoded, it's a fantastic tool though