@Greytdog thanks.
I had a "discussion" with someone on another social media site. I was expecting it to move towards the modern anti green arguments. I couldn't get him to agree that global AVG temperatures were higher than '85-2014.

In the UK there is a protest group "just stop oil" who is annoying everyone with their direct action, blocking traffic etc.

I'm beginning to wander if there is a viable alternative, even though they are alienating most people.

@Greytdog from a purely fiscal perspective, Florida is screwed, especially property.

@DanielCoopreal fiscal, political, medical, environmental, and educational. . .so far. This is going to be a wasteland if Floridians don't pull their heads outta deSantis' ass

@Greytdog honestly though, as much as I despise DeSantis, weather/storm wise it can't be saved now. It would be good if they were greener, but they need everyone else to join in too. Sad for everyone who has to suffer. LGBTQ, regular homeowners. 😞

@DanielCoopreal it's going to be interesting to watch what happens. and where people think they'll be able to flee - imagine, Refugees in their own land

@Greytdog there will be multiple Katrina+ events before society is spurred.

@DanielCoopreal I have a close friend who owns an 1800sq ft home - granted it's in a very established desirable neighborhood but it's 2B/2BA 1940s era home - and his annual property insurance went from $5700 to $15K because Insurance companies are fleeing the state too.

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