oooohhhh couple breaking up and they were loud. And he's an idiot
Him: "You're a lousy lover"
Her: "Is that why you wanted blowjob when I got in the car? Because I'm a lousy in the sack?"
Her: Go to Hell loser.
And yes, the women cheered when she stood up and poured her drink on him. Awesome theatre. But guys, why is that always your favorite insult? You do know that insult reflects on you????
@MookyTroubadour yes I was there with my phone but they were about 4-5 tables away from us -everyone was staring - and listening. Couldn't help but listen - it was a very loud somewhat profanity riddled breakup. Yikes!
@MookyTroubadour That's the 2nd time I've witness that kind of fight in a restaurant. What surprised me were their ages - had to be mid30s at least - not teenagers.
@Greytdog nice! Let’s see some old school shittery! :)
@MookyTroubadour When I was in college, my cousin sent me a t-shirt that said "bugger off shitgibbon" - I wore that thing until it basically disintegrated.
I'd like another one.
@Greytdog you were there with your phone? No pictures? I love a good drink throwing, and am sad we all missed it :)