
The cover of the world's foremost medical journal:

@Greytdog It's true. The law was made so that people wouldn't go into back alleys. It's a huge step backwards.

@homebird yup and had one person tell me that it will just be minorities and liberals dying so who cares?? OMG and they claim to be a Christian

@homebird they worship a cruel and vengeful god Interesting how their god is exactly like them

@Greytdog …and today’s NY Times has an article outlining the looming food insecurity due to the war in Ukraine. Global Warming is contributing to food insecurity as well. Pollution and who knows what all is causing an increase in cancer and other diseases, but let’s force birth. I always thought science fiction movies were purely entertainment… but, this exponential increase in life will result in a clamoring chorus of human suffering, so many sick and dying, to reverberate out into the ethos.

@muneaux i can't imagine the suffering that the global poor will endure. It really is beyond imagination. It's the knowledge that million are going to die what could have been preventable deaths - except for our worship of the almighty dollar.

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