Ah yes, for those among the new folk who worship the juice of the bean... #CaffeineClub
The litany of the Beany Gesserit...
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of Java that my thoughts acquire speed the hands acquire shakes.
The shakes become a warning.
It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
Dog interrupts a soccer game to get belly rubs https://youtu.be/KQrZsg62kJk
He also fled to Cancun, leaving constituents to die in the midst of a storm, and the ONLY reason he turned around and came back was because he was seen at the airport and outed; otherwise he would have run away, like he always does when the tough stuff happens.
so i was at another convocation last night. it was the grad for the local arts high school so super creative & fun. but hot. the a/c was NOT working. apparently this is a common occurrence b/c it's an old bldg.
anyway, had to admire my fellow awards presenters who were wearing suits, blazers and all. omg. how were they not dying?🤔
i was wearing a summer dress w/ a sheer cardigan & i was fanning my program furiously.🙄
This is the key point, as many of us have been saying.
I would hazard that this was just the opening salvo in the Russian Civil War. Who tries to make a play for power next? Because it's coming.
As of Saturday 06-24-2023 at 18:00:01 ET, CounterSocial has NOT responded to any warrants, subpoenas or other formal orders from any government agency. Further, as of the same timestamp, CounterSocial has never turned over any encryption or auth keys to anyone. Neither have we installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network or provided any enforcement organization a feed of any user content transiting our network. If this daily message ceases or changes you can assume something has changed. Users can always @ me with 'status' for an individual canary via DM anytime. For more info about Warrant Canaries >>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warrant_canary.
Kenya could follow Uganda as East African nations wage war on LGBTQ rights(just sigh at the world becoming dicks- bigger dicks then usual and not the good kind either. yes I said it.)
I think this is part of the authoritarians' anti immigrant policy
Republicans are trying to make Texas a worse option than the place immigrants are fleeing
New Texas bill ending water break mandates is a death sentence for construction workers, experts say https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/trending/article/water-break-construction-worker-texas-bill-18162935.php
Jack of many trades, master of none from the East Coast of North America.
Likes: Faire, Travel, Basketball, Baseball