Getting ready for a little Regency Cthulhu on to benefit NAMI… please donate for Hero Points… we are desperately outmatched by Villain points!

A friend asked me if I could do art in the the style of Last Day in June and I said “I dunno… let me see”

Turned out pretty good I think

I’m playing this crusty bastard in a Lancer mini campaign actual play on twitch with LostCaravanRpg. Next episode is Monday, August 21. @ 8pm est.

(Art by me)

This is your third sunset on the Ceaseless Stair, Adventurers… where does it lead?

Couldn’t tell if this was a twig or a snek for a sec…
A fey tree that drops twigs and branches to the ground that become aggressive snake like creatures with a petrification.l attack that will turn unwary adventures into new trees for the grove? 🤔

Gonna do some more work on my “eyeball planet”. Tonight.
A little early because I’ll be on @lostcaravanrpg @ 8:30 est playing Tales from the Loop!

Let’s make a world map! Jump in the chat and let’s worldbuild together!

Hey Jo, whaddayaknow?

I'll be playing Jo, the rocker and her robot amp/drum machine, Kit in an upcoming Tales from the Loop oneshot on LostCaravanRPG's Twitch Channel on Wed, Jan 25!

(art by me)

Just finished a commission for one of my twitter mutuals!

Want something similar? This will run about $50 USD

At ? Stop by booth 3337 and check out Necrobiotic on preorder now

Well… that’s one way to get out of cooking thanksgiving dinner…

Also… Here’s your boss for your Friendsgiving session

After almost two years, I’ve finally found my favorite pair of glasses.

This F_ing full moon, I swear…

Woke up in a pile of feathers, so I guess I’ll need to write an apology note to whomever owned those chickens…

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Graphical Ronin

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