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President Biden may have his faults, but this one makes ya forget 'em!

Good job Mr President!

😮 Haven't said that in awhile about a President😏

Aack! "Ma; gotta go do stuff; can kids come sit w/ya on the porch awhile?"

Uh; our kids don't know how much I really do, because they usually only see the after-effects; me sitting on the porch hurtin'😁They'd fuss because, over protective❤️Hubs always threatens to tell them, & does, if I injure myself; tattle-tale😅

Anyway, raked yard while GrandD & G'son ran & played w/dogs. GrandD helped raking/clearing out❤️

Talking, turned & BAM; banged head on metal pole!😬Had to bribe GrandD/Hubs to🤫

Hubs' fav phrase. I've heard him say it almost every time we're faced with what, at the time, seems impossible to us.

I would doubt the impossible, & he'd laugh it off, to my annoyance; I'm the worrier. I question everything; it's just my nature; can ya tell?🤣

If you're having a problem, reach out to our Fam here, if for nothing else, but to get it off ya chest; there's no better therapy, with no judgements, only sincere folks who show 💕

I, a tough cookie did, & my🌎's brighter today!🌹

My day is not complete
Unless I'm here to greet
All the loving souls
I've long ago did meet

There are New Ones here
I'll seek until I find
So when I follow you
Just pay me Neva Mind!🤣👵🏽

kindalikealittlebitalmostbutnotquiteexactly 🐉🤣

Morning my Dearies! Enjoy every second of today. It matters!💙☕🌹😁

Reality Winner Released From Prison

Amen! Hi❤️; hope it's a 'so far so good' kind of day/evening/night for ya!🌹If not, I hope it gets better

Been🙏for this young lady to go home to her mom! Not read the article yet, but just the headline warmed my❤️

Been attacking & conquering ivy in my backyard again; I'm slaying it in 90° heat; it's what 🤔or is it ?? whichever, it's what we do; avenge the Evil in the world, one part at a time!💯😁🐉😘

Hi There Folks!😘🌹

The G is for 'good'; lasagna has that secret 'Good!' in it; that's my explanation of it😋

🤔Hmmm...strange I came upon this as I searched for something to say in Gabepentin😬🤬 image! That's the word my brain couldn't find; ugh; what was I yakkin on about?🤔oh!;we're having lasagna today😲🤣...

Is Google🕵🏽‍♀️on my convos, again??🤨 Just too coincidental after telling Hubs was a dinner option.

Good Morning Folks!🌹
Happy to ya!😻

I currently have 3 dogs, but have had cats before. Such quirky & lovable lil bundles of both laughter & attitude.

Some folks compare cats & dogs, but, there really is no comparing of the two.

Both cats & dogs are unique in & of themselves. Sometimes they get along, sometimes not.

One thing for sure I know is that, you will never have 2 days exactly the same as long as you have either of the two in your life!😅

Enjoy your day, 🌞 or ⛈️!😘

I see ya; ya see me?🤨🕵🏽‍♀️🤣

Bored. Neighbor is cutting grass for us, and the smell of fresh cut grass is permeating the air...ahhh

Have a date with my 5yr old Grandson tomorrow. He said he would come pick me up & I was gonna ride in his car🤗💖

Ugh! Me if I stay on hold any longer! Over15 minutes so far! Little ads(annoying) play between the Classical songs(which I like).

I'm glad my phone doesn't use minutes👿

Glad Hubs made more☕

....😮At 17 mins they cut me off after saying I had reached maximum wait time, & would call my # back. If I didn't want a call back, hang up & try later, or, try calling the next day!

Uuuugggh; you're the United Way dude; ya don't hang up on folks; I woulda holded yo!

Staring at phone now; ring!👿

Weeelll; alrighty then! Dogs woke me up, I let them out, made coffee, &, came to sit on the porch to soak up some sun.

Mother Nature has other ideas! The🌞is hiding under greyish clouds, & a cool & steady breeze insists on blowing on me! Imma go get my blankie! It's kind of warm, but not enough for this dern arthritis & my generally cold natured body to handle! Sheesh! Just stop blowing that cold air on me already & stop hiding the 🌞shiny warmth😬

💯a bored ol'👵🏽when ranting at the sky🤣

Good Morning 🌞☕ tastes 🤔awful...Hubs was asleep, so I decided to make myself some. Haven't done it in a while; he i the Master of Coffee Making in my house.

I can never get it quite the same as he; he stops what he's doing if I peek🤷🏽‍♀️

When he was in the hospital, I Starbucked. The morning after he came home, he insisted on using his walker(pre-seizure could walk w/out one), to wobbly make his way to the kitchen to make a pot❤️

He'll make me a fresh pot soon; yay!

Be Blessed🌹

Energy of ye ol'🐲is close to zero at the moment; has been of late. I have hypothyroidism too; I forget I had it...really!👵🏽Once I remembered, upping my B12. I'd forgetten Dr told me to continue long ago & until I read my records lately(oldest kiddo wanted to know "exactly" what's wrong; gave her my med records to avoid long explanations)

Hubby is getting stronger. Never thought a seizure would cause his legs to lose so much of his former strength! Using less of walkers, but still a lil unsteady

Happy Birthday!🎈

Whose? IDK, but I'm sure I've missed plenty of your special days. So, if it applies to you: Happy Birthday!

Hubs is improving ; it's as if I have a new Hubby lol

He's strong willed; I know in my❤️he'll never drink🍺or anything alcoholic again unless someone shoves it down his throat! He'd stopped hard liquor a few years ago; it took many baby steps to get to this point, & his living through a seizure solidified it.

Me, I'm hanging in there until he's💯again; takes a lot😘

Photo dark, but...a bird has built a nest between the window & screen I've seen baby red & baby grey birds go in/out at times, for @ the last 2 weeks.

I came out one evening & forgot about the best, & plopped down in my rocker next to this window. Babies in the window😯started a ruckus & as I jumped up to run back in, I think Mama Bird pecked my shoulder 😅

My dog Georgia is intent on catching these birds coming out. She stares at the hole, birds in or not.

Leave it there; yes or no? Cuz🐣

Good Morning Folks 🌹

A bright sunny morn here; sun beaming in spots on my shaded porch. The couch where I lay, resting my sore knee, is only partially shaded; I can seriously work on my tan😁(yeah, I'm Black, but I still get a lil tan in the sun; I get my chocolate dip layer on🤷🏽‍♀️🤣)

Anyway, Hubs' PT came early today; she comes at all hours, to his surprise and delighted annoyance--he knows she's helping him get stronger, but she shows up like a nagging wife🤣

Enjoy ya day; I am❣️☕

Rode🛴to store & as I was leaving, dude walked up, cursing someone on phone. Sounded tipsy. Walks near me(no mask) & says "Don't worry, I have my COVID card." 'Ok dude, go away' I thought

Told him I've had my 1st round; he says "They're forcing people to get shots for no reason; another virus might come, like from China"

He starts talking about how he's done really BAD stuff & how God is good; "Come to my Church; we don't care about race"

By his vibe, I felt invited to a lynching🤷🏽‍♀️

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Confused Dragon 👵🏽

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