
People in North America
Wearing a mask:

@Graci We masked up for the airport/flying and we were usually the 1%? No one else was wearing them. I was shocked. We were healthy in vacation. We didn’t bring anything home…we’ll worth it.


I took a few month break (only in limited, non-busy places) over the summer since the start of the pandemic when wastewater/hospitalizations/mortality were super low, but have started back up again.

Thankfully, I'm still , even after having my kid bring it home from school last year 🙌

Dear @Graci, will you share the results of these 2 masking polls on conclusion?

I find this kind of stuff interesting.

@Graci never stopped. I interact with immunocompromised people, so going maskless is a no no. Also bonus not getting sick since pre COVID, and it's a blessing to not have to constantly fake smiles. I don't play with others, so people who don't like it means less people to avoid dealing with

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