@ChristopherNoyesRoberts it needs to be mandatory. Especially with the crappy rhetoric going on in the US... it might be time.
It'll be a battle to get it in writing. There will be naysayers

@andreviens knowing the tech heads here... I'm curious if a VR room isn't already setup

Going from working analytics in the military to analytics at a local casino is insane. Especially when the director and "senior" analyst decide to jump ship to other places.
The infrequently of direction for my first true civilian job after military/college has been wacky for my first year.
Any tips would be appreciated

@EmilySuess that is one thing I miss living in Las Vegas. Midwest spring/summer thunderstorms

Most nights I listen to a fake thunderstorm on YouTube. Got a real one tonight. Loving it.

OK OK ok..OK...

Fighter Pilot Police Officer from the future


Thinking I might swap out my avi. Apparently pirates really set some folks off.
Just kidding.
Fuck 'em.

@th3j35t3r the recency effect is the worst bias in all of humankind

This part of my life is weird
Spend 14 years working for DoD and then get out... go to college... and get a job at a civilian workplace.
I'm so used to being busy all the time in the analyst shop in DoD and now... I just play with excel and most of the work is done at the beginning of the month/week.
Please tell me it's normal to not have work to do

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