Texas woman arrested after taking down Confederate flag that flew near her elderly parents' home https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/3/2151014/-Texas-woman-arrested-after-taking-down-Confederate-flag-that-flew-near-her-elderly-parents-home
@Gerry I don’t think it should be legal to fly the flag of defeated insurrectionists. Anywhere.
@robfwtx @Gerry exactly-thank you. That’s why trans people are being attacked so viciously right now. Unless you are a wealthy, powerful, white supremacist (all together - and I don’t assume anyone is/ i let them show me) the risk is death and imprisonment- and other things. I came out in 1998 in Provo, UT. I really do know what I’m talking about.
@Gerry @robfwtx not for me- I think it's important to be able to talk about these issues. And I don't take it personally if someone has a different view. I'm here to engage and connect- and learn. I'm also genuinely trying to understand what actions we can take to address the very concerning trend we are all noticing.