@LnzyHou @Nordicfae I hope not.
I follow a couple fox rescues. One of them is trying to buy all the foxes from a fur farm. She doesn't have that many left to go.
Once she has them, they have a permanent home with her. They've never even touched grass before. They were born and raised at the fur farm so they can't ever be released. Save a fox and Arctic Fox Daily,.
Them and all the political candidates. I've spent quite a bit of time unsubscribing and deleting.
When they ask why are you unsubscribing, I tell them. Because you sell my email to everybody and their brother, So annoying.
Will you sign the petition to support Senator Bernie Sanders' resolution to block the $20 BILLION weapons sale to the Israeli military NOW?
@Nordicfae I hope that's faux fur.
A mythical harbinger of doom washes up on a #California beach
#DoomFish #OarFish #rare #DeepSeaFish
Can you spot the Jessie?
( She's hiding behind the septic inspection tube) 🤣
#SuchAKnucklehead 💜 #JessieTheBorderCollie💕🍁 #16November2024 #BlusteryDay #BlueSkies #Pennsylvania #southeasternPA #SuchAGoodGirl #DogsOfCoSo #dogs
@Madken65 I've seen that Woxers is having sales. Haven't tried them, but they sure are colorful.
#ScrambledEggs #cheese #TacoSauce on a #Tortilla.
Back when I was a kid, I used to love ketchup on scrambled eggs, and scrambled eggs were a rare treat. I'm not sure why other than there had better be eggs for dad or else.
Anyhow, I think another wave of #nostalgia hit me. Sort of. Been doing that a lot lately. Looking for a bit of comfort, I guess, even if it's only in my mind.
@LnzyHou We had straps that gave way, but not a hitch. Luckily, they didn't break, just worked themselves loose.
@TheresaVermont Gosh, you were so sick!
The dark room. As I recall, that meant German measles. I had them and regular measles, and mumps. With German measles, I remember Mom said the room had to be darkened. With the mumps, no men would come near me. Dad's friend Sam came by the house. He came to my bedroom door and said hi and hoped I would feel better.
So maybe I didn’t get the vaccines. In middle school, twice, I think, they lined us up for shots.
I can dig it. Time change: ug.
Read through some of the help section.
Periodically, folks post CoSo tips and trick and they'll float by in the feed.
@Resister_Grandma She is now. This is an old tweet.
You know how they tend to change their tunes.
I love to tell you all the times I was bedridden with diseases and ailments and couldn't work, or take care of myself because of the Vaccines that prevented me from getting sick.
Or all the times basic food safety
and inspections prevented me from getting food poisonings
Neither do you.
Public health, when it’s working, is invisible.
Rickie Bansbach
I've turned into a freakin' socialist. But with ordnance. #151484