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@MrElias He is an absolutely despicable being. I can't even consider him human because he lacks humanity.

@PaganMother as the saying goes, if we don't feed the trolls they starve and J takes them out like the trash they are.

GiGi boosted

The next time someone tells you that America isn’t a racist country, just remind them that this nation is willing to accept treason from a white president but not healthcare from a Black one.

@LnzyHou I am + I give $20/month to through Patreon because I respect what J has done here and all his hard work to give us a safe haven. Well worth it imo. When you find a quality product with excellent customer service you become motivated to help keep that product going. I think the amount of a fast food delivery is a steal for all us users receive from here. This place is J's passion and I am grateful for him and this platform. It is the least we can do to help out. 🙂

@MeidasTouch obviously his calculations of committing numerous grave crimes at once would overwhelm the DOJ and therefore he could delay and skate out of any repercussions, backfired on him bigly. He must have forgotten that the DOJ can appoint a special counsel to work solely on his many investigations. Bad for the orange buffoon and good for justice. Imagine having so many investigations going that a special counsel would have full time work just on those alone. 🤨

@lenaoflune at the rate we are going, elective sterilization will be the new surgical rave in America over plastic surgery among young people. It just might end up becoming more lifesaving than cancer removal surgery. Sad as that is.

@praet0rian I don't usually care much for gore or horror, but in this case, sign me up. I must stock up on popcorn for sure. 😀

@JailTheTrumps I think they plan to try to win by cheating, gerrymandering, and misinformation. Problem is too many voters are wise to their bs and will come out in droves to save Democracy again in 2024. It should be an easy win for Dems. Trump won't win the nom but will run on his own newly created party, which will split the Rep votes and no amount of cheating will help them.

@LiberalLibrarian one would think so. It is one thing to go up against one small country and get roflstomped and quite another to go up against NATO and get totally obliterated.

@FreezyWriter I will be ordering the extra large tin of popcorn for it too. I am gonna need it cause it's gonna be a good show. 😀

@Ocean_Cowboy You know what his biggest motivator will be for making the MAGA party?
1) attention? nah, he gets that from his cult.
2) get of of jail free card? nah, he has gotten away with crimes for decades.
3) revenge on the Rep. party? maybe a little.

The biggest reason by far is:
Money is to Trump like Heroin is the an addict. Too much of it is never enough for him. Plus he a broke ass bitch. 😀

@FreezyWriter It isn't the voters they are worried about not letting them move on from him, it is Trump they are worried about. He will burn the whole party to the ground for not bowing down to him anymore to kiss the ring.

@Ocean_Cowboy I say none of these. My prediction for candidates for 2024 will be Biden for Dems, DeSantis for Rep and Trump for his soon to be formed MAGA party. It will be an easy win for Dems in 2024.

@Janet no cats allowed at my apartment but I would be tempted to sneak one like this in. 😺

@Janet I always get confused if this is a Himalayan or a Ragdoll. Either is gorgeous and were always my idea of a dream cat. Simply breathtaking!

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