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This 3-minute 15-second skit teaches children a lot before getting to the (groan) punchline 3:03 minutes in.

I think this ad is the alpha and omega of capitalism. Sure, people starve and otherwise live meaningless lives. But you can have your burger any way you like it!

Matt Gaetz just wants attention. And what does the mainstream press do?

The big talking point against now-recalled SF DA Boudin was a lie. Who would have predicted?! Other than me and many others, that is?

Remember the Domino’s "Sorry We Suck" campaign where they admitted to having awful pizza and did a relaunch? We will eventually see this for Twitter. At least that's what I thought after reading this Matt Binder article. Then again, maybe they will just rebrand as 16chan...

Nate Silver got into a debate yesterday for noting the obvious: partisanship in vaccines is causing COVID deaths to be really high in red states. This resulted in one of the best headlines I've seen in a while, "Fine, I'll run a regression analysis. But it won't make you happy."

The article is good but you don't need to read it: even with a regressional analysis, the conclusion stands.

John Harwood has a good interview with Joe Biden. It's amazing that the press is obsessed with the age of this knowledgeable and thoughtful man and gives a pass to the raving narcissist with clear cognitive decline.

The video is 20 minutes and well worth watching

TikTok poster does a far better job of reporting on Trump's faux-UAW speech than The New York Times. This 2-minute video is great. But I'm absolutely disgusted with The Times.

I just revisited Tokyo Drifter (1966). It's an amazing film -- both artful and fun.

A friend of mine told me that her scuba instructor was a stunt performer on Kraken: Tentacles of the Deep (2006). She wanted to know if I had seen it since it was my kind of film. I hadn't, but I have seen many films from the producers of it. So I watched it tonight. It was fun. Hardly good. But fun.

One thing I can tell you about any big-budget film without seeing it: it's too long -- between 20 minutes and an hour. I just watched The Force Awakens. Wow! It's easily 30 minutes too long. Overall, I like it. But you just don't need over 2 hours to tell a story so basic as this. Tokyo Drifter, which tells a more complicated story, manages it is 80 minutes. The Force Awakens is 140 minutes. Almost twice as long! Hollywood uses long run times to justify its ridiculous budgets. Sad, really.

There is an outstanding print of Tokyo Drifter (1966) with very readable subtitles on Archive.

I'm constantly amazed at how few people use Archive. It's amazing what you will find there!

Most judicial pronouncements regarding Trump are simply reiterating the law. "You are restricted from shooting anyone on 5th Avenue." It's like they've all internalized Trump as some kind of ubermensch who is normally above the law.

I just saw Brooks' comment on his inflation tweet. He tries to make out that it was meant as a joke. But that's nonsense. As you can see in his other comments during the segment, he's just one step back from the Republican crazies -- always.

I just saw Don Bacon (R-NE) on MSNBC. He mentioned the "$33 trillion debt" over and over again. Yet he voted for the 2017 tax cut. There are no reasonable Republicans. And they are all liars when they claim to care about the budget.

The "Stuff to Blow Your Mind" guys did an episode on Faster, Pussycat! Kill Kill (1966). I'm shocked that neither had seen it before. But I guess it's just that I'm much older. It is certainly Russ Meyer's greatest film but not my favorite because I prefer his funny films. But I do enjoy it and watch it a fair amount. Anyway, here is a fine free print from Archive!

Fox News had to put "Democratic" in the headline so its readers would know they should care

I'm a much bigger movie than football fan. So whenever I see the name Brock Purdy (quarterback for the 49ers), I think, "He got a real purdy mouth, ain't he?"

Lisa O'Neill is the artist I listen mostly to these days. This is for all the UAW strikers: "River rock the machine until it stops"

I just watched the first two episodes of The Jetsons. I tend to remember "real" men of that era as being, at least, stoic. But based on the presentation of George, I think they were actually just as much whiners are they are today.

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Frank Moraes

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