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Florence boosted

Me to family : But I've already told you I'm gay!
Family to me: We thought you were joking.

Me: Why would I joke about that?

Them: Well, you once joked that a mutual friend had a giant banana sculpture in his garden.

Me: Well, yes but...


Florence boosted


As were many of mine. Howling bigots, the lot of them. And entitled? Some, yes, some, no. Kind of a mixed bag there, but the pervasive prejudice was palpable.

Florence, fear not and worry none. You're safe here.


Florence boosted

@Florence as frank Zappa said you are what you is. Enjoy being you and fuckem all. We all deserve to live our best lives.

Florence boosted


I’m happy for you. Family can be total azzholes. I’ve got some of my own MAGAts. I avoid them like the plague.

Florence boosted

When I am down and having a hard time coping I have a playlist I repeat. I'll share some songs on the list, link them, and explain what I get from these songs.

Share yours.

If just one person finds brightness or is lifted, it's worth it.

Florence boosted

I guess it's the thing to do today.🤷‍♀️

Five of my hashtags:

Chenille is still the cat with 0 fvcks to give. Taken last night on my balcony as I was watching fireworks across my neighbourhood. Nothing phases this cat's chill.😎

Having just had some relatives visiting over the weekend, I just need to say very loudly and hourly in a shrill manner (while bouncing on a space hopper...)

I'm gay, happily gay, gaily gay, dykey gay, out gay, gay, gay, gay!


Thank you, I feel better now!

Florence boosted
Florence boosted
Florence boosted
Florence boosted

@FrankCannon Yup, at any other place you have a long, complicated reporting process, and all too often you get a response several days later that what looks like an obvious violation (fake accounts, spam, threats, etc.) is not something they'll take down, and it's discouraging--until you come *here* and see it taken care of in seconds. It's very comforting, and you really do feel like you're much safer here. 🙂

Florence boosted

Baltimore police searching for suspect in deadly block party shooting | ...

Florence boosted

Dickery certainly does get noticed here but not in way you'll find beneficial like on other platforms.

I gave the mama a treat this afternoon. I graced her lap with my presence!
I'm a good girl.

Florence boosted

@TubunMuzuru @Florence That's where you're wrong! Monstro Boy has every right to inspect the kitchen as he supervises his human staff!!!

Florence boosted

7 Budget Vetoes That Prove Ron DeSantis Can Be a Real Prick

The Florida governor isn’t shy about using his pen to punish his perceived enemies, just because he can.

Florence boosted

@Florence I bet!!! LOLZ. Who would suspect cats and women of misbehavior?! We are paragons of virtue. After all, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Florence boosted
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