- In 2009, a man sued Pepsi alleging that he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. However, Pepsi attorneys proved that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed that his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.

Β―\_ (ツ)_/Β―

@th3j35t3r But, yeah, it's fine with our insides. No decomposing to see here! πŸ™€

@Nimthiriel @th3j35t3r But they don't check for delayed gastric emptying before selling it to you either!

@Notokay @Nimthiriel @th3j35t3r The real question is, if you buy 100 drinks and keep them for 31 days, and then throw a party.... how many of your guests will drink decomposed mice?

@Florence @Nimthiriel @th3j35t3r Wait, that's a word problem. What time will the train arrive should be the question, no?!

@Nimthiriel @Notokay @th3j35t3r STOP! For pity's sake! (3000 liters is the answer, or 27 megawatts!)

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