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Oct 15, 2022, 15:28 · Web · 1 · 2
@ACG2 I'm doing a second PhD extrenally through Yale. They are fantastic at supporting external students.
@Florence So Cool! What is your second doctorate on?
@ACG2 Medieval Theological Philosophy. More specifically, the problem with 'universals' looking at Christian and Islamic scholars.
@Florence 🧡 That sounds really engrossing. May I ask you to explain what the word ‘universals’ mean in your context? I’m Curious.
@ACG2 And then those questions lead on to 'universals' such as 'mankind' which doesn't and does exist. Mankind doesn't, humans do. God, same thing. What is the difference between God and Godzilla in real terms? Is there a way of proving the 'perfection' of a universal term, if you propose that such a term 'exists' in the first place. It's a 75,000 word doctorate, so tricky to explain. If you have a Philosophy background, then you will get the gist?
@see_the_sus @ACG2 Then, during Medieval times, the scholars got themselves into all sorts of trouble by investigating this and ending up concluding God wasnt real. Then they tried to pick their way out of that particular mess. Hence we had a theological schism across many faiths. And that's where I'm picking it up. But nearly all philosophers have had a go at it. It's an age old problem, played around with by using symbolic logic.