@FinnegansWhacked It's as if she isn't aware that the Democratic candidate isn't officially selected until mid-August at the party convention in Chicago. A smooth transition would require Biden's cooperation in releasing his delegates, but there's no good reason this can't be done.
@Coctaanatis If you ignore the trauma of an entire demoralized Party, distractions of several candidates vying for a majority of the Dem vote splintering off and handing Tre45on an easy win, yeah, it could be done.
@Coctaanatis Regardless of Biden's appearances, he still has many legislative achievements for which to take credit. His entire Cabinet deserves better reportage. Yes, he's old. FDR died 3 months after his 4th re-election and Truman took over. I sincerely hope for a long life for Biden, but if he doesn't, I'm all in for Prez Harris.