@FinnegansWhacked It makes sense when you understand that what they really want is to make rules other people have to follow, but that they themselves do not have to.

It's not about fair, or right, or communal decision-making, or logic.

It's about "they get to do what they want to whoever they want, and they don't have to do anything they don't want and nobody can make them."


@AskTheDevil They learned during the fatuous Benghazi hearings that they only need to promote the idea of wrong doing absent any facts or evidence. McCarthy said as much. Now with Tre45on's multiple indictments, they are going to ramp up their efforts in an attempt to overwhelm the news cycle. That's the only arrow in their quiver.

@FinnegansWhacked There's also voter suppression, gerrymandering, stochastic terrorism, back-room deals, shadow money... I mean they have a couple more arrows.

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