
The genius that is Ron DeSantis, did the most Trumpian thing… he lost lots of other people’s money!
A document reported that the Florida state pension fund had lost $200,722,906.45 in assets invested in Russian companies. It’s also worth reporting that the state’s investments in Ukraine had also lost $20,485.77.

@rokkinbobokkin @Eyeatola I smell a Russian payoff. So many payoffs. Always follow the money, as an actor playing a journalist once said...

@Astartiel @Eyeatola
I do not. I smell a bunch of Republicans have been invested in Russia for a long time, Trump was clearly Pro-Russian. I do not think they needed to pay Putin though. At least, not much.
In some ways, it looks the other way. What I DO believe, is that they all got clobbered blindsided, elbows deep fisting cash into Russia to launder and to profit on manipulated markets. Once invasion and sanctions began, it was too late to pull out without a bad look.

@rokkinbobokkin @Eyeatola That's what I meant, Putin paying off Johnson for the transfer of that $200M, for only $50k.

@Astartiel @Eyeatola
Ohhhh. That's one possibility. Or DeSantis just lost it.

@Eyeatola How did I know that huge amount of money gone was going to involve the Russians, before I even read that far? Florida is even screwing over Ukraine for Russia? Should just remain that state Floridastan, at this point.

(PS - @Eyeatola's in Iran, Russia's in Afghan, er, Ukraine. Couldn't resist that.)

@Astartiel @Eyeatola It's not just Florida. Many state pension funds have this problem, because they delegate the investment decisions to Wall Street fund managers.

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