
"Off he goes, with his perfectly unkept hope"

Pearl Jam ~Off He Goes, Live


That's odd, I don't have a problem viewing it.
(Why does it say "watch on YouTube"...are you trying to watch it in YT music app?)


i tried to click on your link/image and that showed, while not sending me to YouTube or anywhere else.

If I click on the text link it works.


Strange days indeed.
Mixed feelings about the band blocking these videos. It's a recording of a concert. Advertisement really. 🤷‍♀️

@Eulimnadian @tgraph52 truly strange days indeed. To quote the long dead Lennon “strange days indeed. Most peculiar Momma roll!”.

@Eulimnadian @tgraph52 when it is a common human experience plagiarism does not apply. It’s just a thing.


Oh yes, I get that when clicking the window too. Huh. I guess I always click links for some reason.

(So does that sound like it's being blocked from viewing within CoSo?)

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