DeSantis vows Disney will not win battle with state. Says Fla Leg will void development agmt & says since Disney "opened" things back up the state will "look" at hotel taxes, look at putting tolls on roads, look at developing property owned by new district

“They are not superior to the people of Florida,” DeSantis said during an evening appearance at Hillsdale College. “So come hell or high water we’re going to make sure that policy of Florida carries the day...."

"And so they can keep trying to do things. But ultimately we’re going to win on every single issue involving Disney I can tell you that," said DeSantis.

What kind of governor attacks his state’s #1 tourist attraction?

@WeThePeople....ALSO #1 Taxpayer

Meanwhile...some rich folk are having liens slapped on their houses by roofers and contractors because insurance isn't paying, lol... What will it take for them to bail on the DS bandwagon? Can they finally see it now???

@Cachobweeney Actually it's the middle class, people on fixed incomes, and working poor on whom roofing companies are placing liens. Truly wealthy people have the money to pay for homeowner's insurance (hard to find and super expensive) or the cost of a new roof. If wealthy people are being slapped with liens it's most likely an oversight due to them thinking their policies covered the roof replacement when they didn't.

@Embers If you have a mortgage- you HAVE to have insurance and it's included in your payments whether you're middle class poor or wealthy. You don't have a choice. The bank requires it. You can go uninsured if your place is paid off... most poor folk rent and that's a whole other nightmare.


@Cachobweeney The problem in FL is most insurance companies don't do business in FL anymore. There are very few to select from and those that will insure homes in FL often exempt coverage for hurricane and/or flood damage from coverage. FL home owners end up paying through the nose for coverage that often doesn't cover the 2 things most likely to affect their homes.

@Embers Well, I've been a homeowner in Florida for over 20 years..on the coast and the fine print says wind/hurricane mitigation but deductibles are high - some insurance like Frontline are great but others pay zero. None exempt hurricane, lol..they just say you're under your deductible.
Flood is federal insurance and if you have flood insurance, it pays (if) you have flood damage. It's separate in EVERY state.

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