A scene shot of the 04-08-2024 Total Solar Eclipse. Viewed from just NE of Doniphan Missouri. One of the clearest areas of sky over the entire path of totality

Seeing this was bittersweet for me. My Dad was a science teacher, we saw several partial eclipses over the course of his life, but he never got to see one at totality. l felt one of the greatest joys of my life but mixed with a sudden sharp grief that my Dad was not there

@AndersonArtwork I had a similar experience when snorkeling in Hawaii. My dad loved to snorkle but in lakes in the Northeast. As I took in all the beautiful varieties of fish I thought of my dad and wondered if he had ever gotten to experience a scene like this. I asked my mom, later, and they were supposed to but something interfered with the trip. I hope he was able to be there with me, in spirit (literally). Maybe your dad was there with you!


I know if my Dad had been given a choice that his son would get to see one like this or he could see it but his son would not…he would have moved heaven and earth to make sure I got to see it rather than himself

My Dad was one of the most genuinely generous people I have ever known

He was there

Living within me

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