so, I'm like alot of folks out here in the world, struggling with how COVID has impacted my life. I'm high risk vaxed and boosted. I'm not 50, but I am dad's 75. he got covid less than two weeks after he got his booster. He's ok. mild/moderate case.


What I'm struggling with is this, I live in a deep red state full of deniers, surrounded by deniers. I wear my mask when out, and I have to go out; I help my dad with his stuff on the weekends....I'm honestly terrified at this point that I'll be exposed and be one of those that's not so lucky.

some days, especially here lately, that fear is almost overwhelming...I've survivied two life threatening illness since 2014....I'll be PISSED if COVID takes me out.

I want to thank everyone that's replying to this thread. it truly does mean a lot to know there are folks out there that care and don't dismiss what I'm saying

@Eclecticmezzo This has to be rough, all the very best wishes for you and yours. Hopefully sanity will return over time.

@Zoser its not fun, that's for sure.

I would really like to see less selfishness and more compassion from folks that live in a state that that literally has a church on almost every block in its capitol city.

@Eclecticmezzo I am a believer myself and it saddens me that so many do not live what they profess are their beliefs.

I believe that compassion, tolerance, support and care for your fellow human beings are so much more important than performative statements of faith.

@Eclecticmezzo I’m sorry you have to deal with this. The best advice I can give you in addition to what has already been given is to sanitize and wash everything that enters your house, and your hands after touching anything outside or after visiting a store.
Also breathe and meditate. Stress can further compromise your immune system, so as hard as it is to do so, please try to find calming moments whenever you can. It’s okay to say, this is too stressful for me, so I am going to opt out.

@Eclecticmezzo *sending you positive calming and steady vibes* Like you said, you have survived two life threatening illnesses already. You can do this!

Many feel the same about this as you do. It's scary. I, too, am high risk. I've lived at my home base for 2.5 years without much contact with others. I've not had Covid and I am careful. The world has been insane since the pandemic began. I'm learning to roll with it, not liking it, but going forward as best I can. I'm hearing you.

@Eclecticmezzo look to see if Evusheld is available near you…and perhaps see if you can get a script for Paxlovid on standby. When you can get your 4th dose—get it. Get a good quality n95…I use envomask (highish initial investment but replacement filters are not bad).

Immune compromised and work in medicine. Do the best you can do, I feel a bit left behind—and I get people are ‘tired’. I am tired too, but we don’t have a choice.

@Thumprhare thank you for the recommendations. I've had n95s for a while now. soon as they became more accessible, I got mine.

@Eclecticmezzo just keep taking precautions… you’ll get through this. My kids have it right now and I know it can make you anxious. I figure there’s no way I can get sick with this because I’ve got to take care of them so am extra guarded, wearing the masks indoors and sanitizing things. Keeping windows open. So far, I’ve not gotten it. That, to me, is a testament to the masks because I’ve cuddled my kids. Sorry it’s so scary, though. A lot of us feel it, too. Hang in there

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