Reason why I never read anything marked "Opinion" in the newspaper #86,548,279,631:
This person is one of the 'conservative' OpEd-ers in my local paper, and she never fails to come up with weird binaries like this.
People like her (special mention to Bret Stephens in the NYT) are so high on their own supply that they think their views are important and don't realise that they're only being paid to write nonsense that makes readers mad.
@DyDave her time will change when rights are taken away and I will laugh and laugh before I help restore them.
@DyDave charles is a cunt. he's always been a cunt. elizabeth raised shitty human beings.
and the monarchy are thieves. they stole all their wealth. & continue to syphon wealth from taxpayers.
that was my op-ed. π