
Excuse me, did you say Pathfinder? Any chance it's 1E? I'm flexible, but... 🀞

Have you ever used HeroForge just to create character portraits for your playable characters?

No, I've never used anything but the physical books. Understand that I was only just released from prison (04-20), and really only played while inside (from 2010 on). I played mostly Pathfinder 1E, a littrle D&D 3.x and 4th Ed (😑 ew), a bit of GURPS, Kobolds At My Baby!, and some other minor things. I played a few browser-based RPG-like games (all text+SSI scripting, no software), and did a little forum RP, but mostly my TTRPG experience was on a floor w/ books & hand-made dice.


Yea, all the Pathfinder books I own are 2nd ed. I'm not sure where I could go to get first ed. Other games I've played include D&D 2nd ed, Black Sun expansion, 3.5, 5e; Mutants and Masterminds; Shadowscape, Runescape.
The handmade dice, how well did they roll? How many sides? I'm curious.

Pathfinder 1E content is free online (www.d20pfsrd.com or www.aonprd.com, but not full modules).

The dice were variable degrees of decent, depending on who made them & whether they used a printed or hand-drawn pattern. I was in a design course & got my instructor to print some dice patterns I made using GIMP, & w/ the right person they came out great, so well the cops wouldn't confiscate them. They rolled fine, if made well. Some sets were... awful. I paid $$$ for quality.

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