
My daughter just shared this w/ me. I'm in tears, happy tears! It's **Marvelous** beyond words!! You MUST watch, trust me!
Many thanks to this whole cast, w/ all my heart!

One Zoom to Rule Them All | Reunited Apart LORD OF THE RINGS Edition

@Dreamnghrt Christmas == Lord of the Rings season for me and mine <3

@avawingz I have to admit that I haven't watched it in a few years, because I always get sooo wrapped up in it emotionally. I think it's time to do so again, though. It's just so incredible!!

@Dreamnghrt We usually do a marathon either on New Years or Christmas.
I'm listening to the book rn because I don't have the time to read it, but <3
Sam & Frodo's friendship makes me cry every time T_T

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