@Didymus my longest lasting Twitter chat relocated to Discord of all places.
@TheComicHunter Yeah, it's odd how Discord seems to be so popular. Like Reddit, I find it very hard to navigate.
There's huge swathes of good people just sitting out the platform wars and waiting for one to edge out in front.
@Didymus If my friends had not been patient with me, I would never have gotten anywhere on Discord. It's big issue for me is how isolated the chat groups are. Social media is more fun when people can join the conversation.
@TheComicHunter I agree. Being able to engage with new people and potentially make new connections is part of the joy of it.
But I think a lot of people are apprehensive that no one site has edged in front the way Myspace, Facebook and Twitter did.
@Didymus I'm wondering if the age of the globally used social media site may be over?
I think they would need to drop the programming that channels your posts and make it more organic to really work again.
Right now, too many sites are silos.
@TheComicHunter You could be right there. We're a long way from Myspace now, eh?
@TheComicHunter I haven't, but I'm sorely tempted now. Go back to the good old days!
@Didymus I remember one of my bands having a page on there, and it was so much fun changing the layout of the page.