Question for writers.... or anyone I guess.
What are your thoughts on using Ai as a tool for writing?
So I've been chatting it up with chatgtp late at night when I cant sleep, and I found it super useful for working out details of my novel. I'm being careful not to use it as a tool to write the novel FOR me, but to just talk openly with what is essentially a conversative search engine has opened up my eyes to some new ideas.
@mrfumblethumbs hmmm. I'm not sure. It depends on what intelligence actually is, and how artificial differs. I wonder when a character in my head starts making their own choices, if they are becoming real. If they are, and it uses the resources of my mind, that should be real, but the person in question doesn't exist beyond my mind and a few pages of words. Isn't that ai in a way? Are the algorithms that make up ai any different than words on a screen having their own thoughts?
@mrfumblethumbs I think William Gibson would call it a construct. Not self aware, but it operates using a personality matrix and memory data.
@DanIsWriting Not self aware?
Hmm, when my characters start talking to me, they sound pretty darned self aware. Especially when they come up with ideas I haven't.
@mrfumblethumbs thats how the construct works in 'burning chrome'. More or less. It's been a while since I read it. But I think the only difference between the construct and AI was free will. The construct was bound to the hardware and was based on data from a persons personality, and Ai could go anywhere in cyberspace and had the freedom to become its own personality and expand its computational resources.
@DanIsWriting Not sure if it is AI, as such. More like spawning a new process, in a computer programming sense.
Or the creative fragmentation of my own mind. Which I've got totally under control. Really. Totally.