This writing season is going great. So in the last 2 days I've written 4000 words, which is 1/8th the entire progress I made last winter. Separated my characters storylines into their own documents so I don't feel pressure to write linearly, chapter to chapter.
What are your tips and tricks for writing productivity?
@Anthropomorph thanks! My storylines dont come together until later, and I already deleted ine whole character group and storyline that consisted of half my manuscript, so I figured it would make it easier to just have seperate files for each group until they merge.
@DanIsWriting It's not about the writing. It's about the re-writing. When the story's told, read it aloud.
You'll find plenty to do!
Kill your darlings (the unneeded expository prose) Then have someone who knows what they're doing read it AFTER you copyright your draft.
@QueenPhillippa thanks. I'm a seasoned darling murderer, just in a different mediu. I was a video editor for years, and my trashcan got a lot of work.
The copyright is a great idea. I need to learn more about the legal side of things.
@DanIsWriting I wrote some things and my writer friends online helped. But I was always a painter. I'm going through the same thing with my latest watercolor works...editing! As in "NO it doesn't need to be in the picture!"
Bum in seat.
Even if your session is unproductive, training your brain into a #writing routine will aid your creativity eventually.
Take ten minutes prior to writing for some breath meditation, clear the mind, focus your inner eye.
@TheStorySmith thats good advice.
@DanIsWriting what an ingenious idea!