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Gecarcinus quadratus, known by many names the red land crab, whitespot crab, Halloween crab, moon crab, mouthless crab, or harlequin land crab.

From the forests of Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua for most of their adult life, they have to return to the ocean to breed.

First a delicious refreshing cup of coffee and then I will vote blue and crush these patriarchal motherfuckers who are trying to steal my rights.

The boat-billed heron (Cochlearius cochlearius), colloquially known as the boatbill. Love the crest. 😍

I mean, that's just lazy. 🥰🤭

Blackbird catching a ride on a osprey's stick
(Photo by Jocelyn Anderson)


shouts the Republican lawmaker as he bans abortions, school books, lesson plans about racism, trans healthcare for kids & voting rights.

The Lowland Streaked Tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) from Madagascar is the only mammal known to use stridulation for generating sound – something that’s usually associated with snakes and insects.

Vote as if
Your skin is not white,
Your parents need medical care,
Your friend is a missing indigenous woman,
Your spouse is an immigrant,
Your land is on fire,
Your son is transgender,
Your house is flooded,
Your sister is a victim of gun violence,
Your brother is gay,
Your water is unsafe,
Your daughter is a sexual assault survivor.

When republican politicians talk about freedom, you have to ask, whose freedom?

It's not mine. It's not my daughters. It's not my gay friends. It's ot for kids dying in school shootings.

It's not those dying without access to healthcare.


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Critical Cupcake

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