@Compelling_Carl she is a Russian asset.

Where did the 2016 recount money go Jill?

@Compelling_Carl I feel like this is her whole career now. Paid presidential candidate. Will siphon votes for money.

@Gladari @AskTheDevil @Compelling_Carl I guess I should quit calling RepubliCONS Putin Whores, and adopt Putin Puppets, probably sounds better too

@SupplySgt @AskTheDevil @Compelling_Carl

It is not original - I took it from HRC! In the Clinton-Trump 3rd Presidential Debate, this is what she called him!


"Oct 19, 2016
U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called Republican candidate Donald Trump a "puppet" for Russian President Vladimir Putin during the third presidential debate"

@Gladari @AskTheDevil @Compelling_Carl I remember that! Then he said,”You’re the Puppet” how original, he’s a moron

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