If you haven't already, consider doing your part to keep this sanctuary online. It's definitely a thing worth supporting.
Moments like this are when CounterSocial shines.
Where every other social is mired in toxicity and misinformation, ours is full of real people reacting with genuine interest in response to current events.
There's nothing like it anywhere. #CoSoTips
^^ CounterSocial is free to use, but trust us. Keeping it online isn't free.
Help us help you. #CoSoTips
A troll-free, bot-free, ad-free social media oasis that SERVES you and doesn't SELL you...
...if you can keep it.
Every other social media site stays online by exploiting YOU.
They sell your personal data. They listen to your conversations. They track your internet usage. They siphon up everything about you.
See our pinned post for more information about their own "Privacy Disclosures".
YOU are their product.
CounterSocial is different.
We stay online through generous donations and Pro subscriptions from you.
Help us keep the servers online.
Go Pro today. #CoSoTips
"It's so weird that I'm suddenly seeing ads for that obscure thing I was talking about a few days ago."
It isn't weird. They're siphoning up everything about you. Talk about tangleless aviators, and you'll get targeted ads about tangleless aviators.
Because they can hear and watch you. In real time. Because you agreed to let them do that. When you established an account. #CoSoTips
How would you feel if we told you that we listen to every conversation. Watch everything your phone camera can see. Record everything that you type into your phone's keyboard.
You'd feel angry. You'd feel betrayed.
You'd be pissed off.
And yet, that's exactly what you accepted when you installed every other social media application.
Don't believe us? Check out their "Privacy" Disclosures.
Don't have time? Don't worry.
We did it for you. #CoSoTips
☝️ There's a reason why we included a CoSoShare link.
It's everything you need to convince your people that we're the safest, and therefore the best.
Note: We aren't blowing smoke here. We're telling it like it is. Our Pro subscribers keep our servers online.
The other socials? They sell everything about you to stay online.
That's the difference. #CoSoTips
Want to tell folks you know about CoSo, yet don't want to pester them.
Just pass on the photo. Let them decide who to trust.
Fun Fact: If you mention CounterSocial on other socials, they'll actively prohibit your post.
But chances are pretty good that you can share this image without any issues. #CoSoTips
We don't ask often, but we really need your help.
We understand. There's a lot of trepidation about sharing this sanctuary with the people you know. You worry about your ability to be yourself if you share it with them.
But we need exactly that—for you to invite your people to join you here.
CoSo only works if you share it, so do us—and yourself—a solid, and share it. #CoSoTips
If you actually read the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of every other social, you'd avoid them like the plague.
There's nothing altruistic about any of them. #CoSoTips
Did you know that merely installing the other social media apps gives them permission to siphon up everything they can about you?
Browser history. Keyboard clicks. Other apps that you've used or installed. All of it.
Don't take our word for it. Check our pinned post for a handy infographic, then confirm it using the data privacy disclosures in your favorite app store.
They exist to MONETIZE you. We exist to let you simply be yourself.
They admit it all by themselves.
We'd like to point out a "fun fact" if it isn't already obvious.
CounterSocial strips your metadata to keep you safe.
Every other social media site harvests your metadata to farm you with targeted ads. #CoSoTips
Why are your pictures showing up sideways?
It's part of how CounterSocial keeps you safe. When you upload a picture, it scrubs all of the metadata, including orientation.
You can fix this by making a minor edit to the photo and uploading that, or by taking your pictures in landscape orientation. #CoSoTips
We're not afraid to admit it, but SANITIZER is actually a little too good at what it does.
It's so good at scrubbing metadata that it also removes the orientation information from the pictures you post. That's why they're sometimes sideways in the timeline.
It'll also remove extra tags from URLs, which can break the links you intend to post.
If you'd like to stop SANITIZER from doing its thing, just add the word "NOSANITIZE" to your post. #CoSoTips
We see the photos that you've been taking and sharing, and we absolutely love them.
That you can post them here isn't nothing, because CounterSocial goes to great lengths to keep them (and you) safe.
Well, SANITIZER isn't just a meaningless label on the post authoring window. It's a key feature that strips all metadata from the media (and URLs) you post, meaning your photo only contains the information you share about it—if any.
It's one of many ways we protect you. #CoSoTips
"CounterSocial keeps compressing my image into a blurry mess! What can I do about this?"
It's true that CounterSocial will downscale your image to make it suitable for social media. Storage and bandwidth aren't free, but you do have options—provided you have a Pro account.
You can upload your beautiful image to your very own ephemeral file storage via https://share.counter.social, then share the link to that. #CoSoTips
It's a little-known but completely true fact that people with CounterSocial Pro accounts smell better than those who do not have Pro accounts.
It isn't that the latter stink by any measure, it's just that the former smell so much sweeter. #CoSoTips
If you came here to be a bigot, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. #CoSoTips
Just the tips. #CoSoTips aggregator. A helpful resource for awesome new people.